Sunday, 13 April 2014

Welcome To My Blog !

Hello my lovelies, 
Welcome to my blog. I'm really exited to finally come through and start up my own blog, like I've wanted to do for around two years now. As my first blog I thought it would be a nice idea to do the ‘Get To Know Me Tag’ so you all can know a little bit about me.

Lets get started…

1. Are you named after anyone? Before I was born everyone actually thought I was a boy and I was going to be called Nicholas, but as a surprise to everyone there I was a little baby girl. My mum hadn’t even thought of a girls name so my aunty actually named me and it was after the main actress on her favourite TV show. How inspiring… 
2. When was the last time you cried? The last time I cried was two nights ago I was listening to ‘The Fault in our Stars’ on Audible. I’m a really emotional person.
 3. Do you have kids? Nope.
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Yes I probably would, I’m really outgoing and approachable.
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? sarcasm is my second language.
6. Will you ever bungee-jump? I’ve been dying to go bungee-jumping, it’s defiantly on my bucket list!
 7. What’s your favorite cereal? For the great majority of my life its been coco pops but since December 2013 I’ve been obsessed with special K. It’s like happiness in a bowl.
8. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Appearance wise, their smile.
9. What is your eye colour? My eye colour always varies from a grey blue to and olive green but normally a grassy green.
10. Scary movie or happy endings? Defiantly happy endings, I’m a sucker for them but I love my scary movie nights in with the girls.
11. Favorite smells? I’m in love with my Victoria’s secret body spray in pure seduction. I also really like my Paco Rabanne XS.
12. Summer or winter? As I live in London where we’re known for out rainy days and go all out at the first sight of sun, I feel obliged to say SUMMER! I love the beach, the sun and everything in between. 
 13. Computer or television? 100% computer. You’ll always find me on my mac on netflix or youtube.
14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? I love traveling and one-day hope to travel to the furthest corners of the world but so far LA is the furthest I’ve been to the west.
15. Do you have any special talents? I like to think I’m good with languages as it runs in the family.
16. Where were you born? I was born in New York.
17. What are your hobbies?  I love traveling and discovering new places around London. I also love shopping and youtube.
18. Do you have any pets? I don’t but I wish I had a golden retriever.
19. Favorite movie? My latest fav is ‘Divergent’ but my favourites have always been ‘She’s The Man’, ‘Sydney White’, ‘The Blind Side’, ‘The Hunger Games’ and soo many more…
20. Do you have any siblings? I’m basically an only child which is so boring since I love kids.
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? Since I can remember till the age of 8 I wanted to be an actress but then up until last year I wanted to be either an architect or dentist but now I’m quite undecided.

Till next time
-Victoria Shannen xox

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